Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Living "Half-Way" in the US, Canada, Europe, and the West

     First of all, this shouldn't be news to anyone, just a reaffirmation of what we all know, but won't say: there are certain things that black people can't do, that others can. Don't believe me?
See this:


     It is the story about a Black, Canadian reading a C.S. Lewis book in a car and the police being called to look for a "suspicious, black man."

     I know people have come up with the "_____ while Black" and various hashtags on twitter, This is great that they identify the problem. But have they identified its true implications? I will spell it out for those that don't see it: If you are Black, there are certain "acceptable" activities and areas to be in, otherwise you WILL end up being falsely accused and have a REAL, at least 25% chance of action being taken against you.    

     You might be thinking, "I know all this, what is your point?" My point is that you will be living a limited, or half-way sort of life in the US, West, and other countries in which you are in the minority. Even if you don't realize it. Are you with white friends in a store and they decide to hold an item for a little while, but you don't? Or how about if you drive a sort of nice car, but so do your white friends? Who gets pulled over?

     I just what you to remember one thing, It doesn't have to be this way, there is somewhere where you can go to escape this. 

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