Monday, April 24, 2017

Modern Racism in the US, Canada, Australia, UK, New Zealand, Europe, South Korea, Japan, and the West

I am not white, however, I think I know what is going on.
It comes down to simple sociology: the in-group versus the out-group, or the “other”.

It is a known fact that black people are stereotyped to be lazy, uncreative, criminals, and just overall apathetic. While as a whole demographic, this is not true, I will admit that for some people, this does apply to some degree, as does it apply to all races as well.

So, what am I getting at? My main point is that white people see black people mostly on the news as the perpetrators of crimes or on radio stations singing about “certain things”. Even though artists of other races sing about these “other things” as well, they tend to remember the black ones. People of all colors commit crimes, and does that really matter to the victim?

The thing is there is the notion that black people can’t amount to much that is present very obviously in some people, Donald Trump, but you will also be surprised to know that even the most progressive people hold on to this message, subconsciously. Why? Probably because it was ingrained into them and constantly in their minds due to family members making comments, especially on Facebook with Donald Trump and other events going on.

So, I would say that the majority of white people are not out right racist, but still hold onto some sort of subconscious beliefs.

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